This post is a real labour of love for me. Each year I find it tougher to curate, and I think that’s a good thing. I care SO much about the work I produce for my couples, but I also care that I am doing the very best I can for myself too. I am conscious that I want to show my future couples that I can take great confetti shots, beautiful bridal prep images and lovely timeless portraits for them to enjoy in their later years. But I am also not ‘just a photographer of weddings’. I count myself as someone who really wants to show who they are to the world. Ok maybe not the world (dream big anyone?! Ha) but to my prospective couples, and the only way for me to show who I am is to post what I love. This is why I always name this post ‘My favourites’, and not ‘My Best’. I don’t really know what my best work is, that’s entirely subjective, but I know what I love. And it appears I loved quite a lot of what I shot last year, despite being incredibly hard on myself throughout thinking I wasn’t doing enough (classic photographer anxiety!) 🙂
The reason I loved looking through my images wasn’t really to do with me or my work though, it was down to my couples. As always. They’re the reason I’m sat here, typing away furiously trying to make this post non-boring yet SEO friendly 😉 They are the gift I’m given each time a new booking hits my calendar. I may shoot at a lot of the same venues, but the people are always unique, and those moments happen only once. Having the sole responsibility in capturing them is HUGE. It never wavers. I never get comfortable and let my cameras do the work. I do stress out, I do get nervous and I do rush home to look over what I’ve shot just to check I can deliver what I promise.
Thankfully I am a very lucky person in that all my couples take the time to send me such lovely feedback, some send me gifts and cards too. EVERY time I open up a package like that I squeal. It is THE most humbling thing to be thanked for the job you’ve done. When you’re self employed you don’t have line-managers patting you on the back at the end of a quarter, or HR sending you a review/pay-rise etc. You only have yourself and your crazy artistic mind full of worry to analyse your own worth. So a HUGE thank you, to those who go out of their way to thank people properly, the day I hear nothing from a couple is probably the day I’ll retire!
So back to the post. There are 200 images here, it’s fairly lengthy, but I hope that it shows what I’ve been up to over these 24 weddings. I photograph a lot of families as well as weddings and it’s really lovely to be chosen to shoot weddings where there are lots of kids, as my couples know that they will get lots of images of the little people. They are the BEST at weddings. Always doing their own thing, the most natural of all to capture! I’ve focused on my three motivators, lovely moments, beautiful light and the occasional wow shot. There are lots of hugs and kisses and tears and laughter, just what I love. It really is the biggest honour to do this for a living, and I’m already looking forward to my 2019 weddings which start next month. Enough waffle from me, 2018 was a bloody amazing year for me on so many levels, and 2019 has one extra special wedding date in the diary too, mine 🙂 If you’re looking at this and think we’d be a good match, do get in touch! I’d love to hear from you!
Thank you again to each and every one of you who chose me, you made it a wonderful year!! xxx